In the Circle Seven-Nine Chapter XVIII we find the following.
In 2degree we find Jesus’ Body was in a tomb, with a big stone in front of the door, and a Roman Seal was placed on that, and to break this seal meant death, the Jewish soldiers were all sworn to faithfulness; and then the watch began.
In the 7degree we read at midnight all was well, but suddenly the tomb became a blaze of light, and down the garden a troop of white clad soldier marched in single file. They came up to the tomb and counter-marched before the door. The Jewish Soldiers were alert;
In the 7degree we read at midnight all was well, but suddenly the tomb became a blaze of light, and down the garden a troop of white clad soldier marched in single file. They came up to the tomb and counter-marched before the door. The Jewish Soldiers were alert;
Now in the 31degree we read, Again, all this was before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light; a distant thunder seeded to herald forth a coming storm. And then the EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN. They say: “Behold, an angel comes.”
Now in the 31degree we read, Again, all this was before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light; a distant thunder seeded to herald forth a coming storm. And then the EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN. (EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN) They say: “Behold, an angel comes.”
Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught that the Etherians are the providers and they Police the Universe in respect, far as being responsible for lining things. These Etherians are the IGIGI and they are above the good or bad complex, their concern is to maintain the universe and to prevent a star holocaust. They personify to whomever, and their assignment is the guardians of life which ANU, ELYOWN ELYOWN EL, is a Prominent Member sent forth. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali also called them Spirit-Man.
There also was the DINNEER! The ancient Cuneiform word. ‘Dinneer” means “THE RIGHTEOUS ONES OF THE ROCKETSHIP.” There are your 24 Elders, who send down energy to the Anunnaqi.
Then you have the Anunnaqi, Eloheem, Allahummas, Umarway, Ginwins, Shushukiy, these being are mention throughout the scriptures but the Anunnaqi are Nubians with 9ETHER hair, dark reddish olive brown skin dark brown eyes. Prophet Noble Drew Ali was fully aware of ships that fly
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