Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Religious Controversy

Religious Controversy

In this age there is still much religious controversy as to the right thing.
Big and powerful ministers have come to the conclusion that something is wrong. Some say it is the Ten Commandments, others say there is a lack of sincerity in the purpose of the churches; still others think it is all worthless and not fit for the time it takes to attend them. However whatever their final decision might be, it is certain they will make a change or rather try to make one.

The fact of the matter is that they have always had only a reflection of the truth and not the real thing. Like one who holds up to the sun a mirror and casts a few of its diverted rays in a different direction, so have they done with the truth that is supposed to have come from the East.

There are but few people who know what the truth is about man, and that few know that it is foolish to try to impart it to the ignorant. Although the ignorant has finished college, he is a fool right on, being trained to jump through a hoop. The longer he stays in the schools, the better he can jump. And the more vivid will he defend his jumping.

From the East comes all light, but though the sun is hanging at high noon; the blind cannot see. The same is the Islamic Creed from the East was brought to the Asiatics of America by the Prophet, NOBLE DREW ALI, and offered to those who were sick at heart, tried for many years, yet they are blind and cannot see the light. Nor is the Prophet trying to put new wine in old skins, for he knows that it will burst them. Still he has the only remedy for the nations. The remedy brought by Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, and all of the other prophets, which remedy is truth.

The nations do not want the truth; it is too stern, but until they accept it and find out where it is, there will continue to be religious controversy.

--Prophet Noble Drew Ali

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